Follow below steps carefully.
- Log in to your blogger account.
- Navigate to Pages > New Page > Blank Page.
- Switch it to HTML mode.
- Now paste below code in the post body.
<script type="text/javascript"> var numposts = 100; var standardstyling = true; function showrecentposts(json) { for (var i = 0; i < numposts; i++) { var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; var posttitle = entry.title.$t; var posturl; if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break; for (var k = 0; k <; k++) { if ([k].rel == 'alternate') { posturl =[k].href; break; }} posttitle =; if (standardstyling) document.write('<li>'); document.write(posttitle);} if (standardstyling) document.write('</li>'); } </script> <ul> <script src=""></script> </ul>
- Replace with your own blog URL and Your%20Label with label for which you want to create a page.
Tip: If you have single word as your label page like “SEO” then replace Blogger%20Tricks with SEO but if you have more than one word in your label name then put %20 between them to separate them. The name is case sensitive. So, take care of it. - Now click on Publish button.
- You are done.